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What is possible to order immediately
in Center "The WORLD of children"?

1. Complete "delivery" already acts after payment under the given below properties.

2. Complete set of the texts on e-mail. To mail represents the complete texts of the books, with circumscribed graphics, books and other materials, presented a partial kind on a site etc.

The form - order

Please, fill, copy and send in Center after payment on e-mail!

I ask to send a complete set of the books MIR-1

To the address e-mail:

The payment is effected on:



The names of components of a complete set MIR-1:

On English
Computer translation with technical editing)

1. How to develop children gifted? М. 1998.
2. How to develop the child on summer - house, farm and in village? M., 1998.
3. To read - earlier, than to go, М. 1996.
4. To count - earlier, than to go, М., 1998.
5. To know the notes - earlier, than to go, М. 1998.
6. To business - earlier, than to go, М. 1998.
7. The integrated program of development of children from 0 up to 18: " Is played in the journalist " 1999.
8. Рeriods of optimum development of the child: classmirs. - , 1999.
9. Keys to optimum development of the child. About scientific bases of system the MIR. 1997.

10. Including in a mailing list about new materials on system of methods of intellectual development of children


3. Recently for the economic reasons to the parents is decided, in series of cases, to refer the links to the closed resources, placed in a network, through which the customer "downloads" that it is necessary.

4. Thus, the access on an above mentioned complete set of materials on today costs 50 $, and here operational informing of the users - subscribers about new materials enters which will becomes only him accessible. Samples of the new manuals and instructions to them, both other materials and new sections of the books here will enter in 2000.  

5. To those parents, which inform the more detailed data the child, is planned to refer the information on concrete questions, concerning  of age of the child, from advisories and seminars...

6. In all cases, it is useful to you on any case to list your wishes. And it means, that early or late all answers появлятся in materials of Center.

7. The electron complete set is paid by e-mail. usual transfer, or through "Sberbank".   While another anything we can not realize better.

8. With appearance "of rigid variants" of materials you operatively will be informed.

9. If you decide, that these conditions approach you, act.

Two forms of payment

1. Bank

The account in US dollars:

At the numerous requests of the parents living in other countries, since 2000 the world service of the users of system the MIR begins.

Inform your problems on payment, and we shall try them to decide!  

For the parents, in whose countries, which banks work with famous BANK OF NEW YORK the account is specially open:


Tyulenev P. V.

At transfer it is necessary nothing to direct or to specify this account on the given initial stage "private translation"

In a case appearance of difficulties, on all questions it is possible to address on the phone (095) -785-10-85 /978-15-68,    Or telefax (095) -973-02-82 to the workers of bank, e-mail: uniastrum

The references:   Now it is meaningful to do(make) transfer not less, than on 50 US $, for of the large expenses for sending and others.


   Уважаемые родители! Пожелания и предложения направляйте по адресу:  
Изменения и дополнения внесены: мая 09, 2007.

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